(in inglese)
Studi clinici di Endoluten (neuroendocrine system)
Studi clinici di Cerluten (cervello)
Studi clinici di Vladonix (sistema immunitario)
Clinical study of Ventfort (vasi sanguini)
Clinical study of Suprefort (pancreas)
Clinical study of Svetinorm (fegato)
Clinical study of Sigumir (articolazioni e ossa)
Clinical study of Pielotax (reni)
Clinical study of Chitomur (vescica)
Peptides of pineal gland and thymus prolong human life
Effects of pineal peptide preparation Epithalamin on free-radical processes in humans and animals
Gerontological aspects of genome peptide regulation
Peptide Regulation of Aging: 35-Year Research Experience
Regulatory Peptides Protect Brain Neurons from Hypoxia in vivo
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