Products tagged with 'a-17'
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Adrenal gland peptides. Peptides have a selective action on adrenal gland cells, normalize their metabolism, and increase their functional activity.
€57.00 €47.00
Adrenal gland peptides. Peptides have a selective action on adrenal gland cells, normalize their metabolism and increase their functional activity.
Complesso peptidico per il sistema riproduttivo maschile. Contiene peptidi - vasi, testicoli, ghiandola prostatica, ghiandole surrenali.
• prevenzione dell'invecchiamento precoce
• prostatite cronica
• adenoma prostatico
• infertilità
• disfunzione erettile
Adrenal gland peptides. Peptides have a selective action on adrenal gland cells, normalize their metabolism, and increase their functional activity.
€67.00 €55.00